10 Essential Skills Every Social Media Marketer Should Have

Over the last decade, colleges and universities have recognized the growing influence of social media on business and culture, and many have integrated social media marketing as a major subject in their curriculum. However, the pace at which the industry evolves is lightning fast. What we learn in our academic institutions may quickly become outdated, overshadowed by newer techniques, trends, or platforms. Hence, the onus is on individuals to continuously refine and update their skill set. 

What makes a “social media marketer” truly successful is their ability to stay relevant and informed amidst this ever-changing landscape. If you aspire to be one in this realm, here are 10 essential skills you should possess to stand out and make a mark.

1. Develop a Robust Social Media Strategy: 

Before you jump into the execution of social media, have a clear strategy. Know your brand voice, your target audience, and the message you want to convey. Everything stems from this foundation.

2. Master Analytics Tools: 

Each post you share is critical in creating the long-term effect on branding. Tools like MarketBeam offer comprehensive insights, like understanding why certain content outperforms others, and more importantly, know how to replicate that success.

3. Tailored Content Creation: 

Every social network has its nuances. The strategy that wins hearts on Instagram might not work on LinkedIn. Customization is key. Remember, one size does not fit all.

Tip: Create content for one social media and get AI assistance in recreating content for other social networks matching each set of audience. 

See how you can use AI for creating social media specific content. 

4. Stay on Top of Trends: 

From LinkedIn's pdf carousel to Facebook's 3D photos, be the first to incorporate the latest trends. Understand what's resonating with audiences right now.

5. Sharpen Your Design Instincts: 

Not every post demands high-end design. Sometimes, simplicity speaks volumes. Cultivate an eye for design that communicates your message clearly and effectively.

6. Master the Art of Ad Campaigns: 

Know where to invest. Whether it's promoted tweets or sponsored Instagram stories, understand the mechanics of placing and managing successful ad campaigns. Do not outsource this work. It helps to understand ad performance first handedly in order to create a strong content strategy. 

7. Learn how to Boost Your Organic Reach: 

Expand your brand's organic footprint. Tactics such as inviting your network on LinkedIn, making key personnel page admins, and leveraging their connections can amplify your reach. Ensure your management team is onboard and active.

8. Harness Employee Networks: 

Your employees are your brand ambassadors. Encourage them to share, engage, and promote company content. Tools that facilitate employee advocacy can magnify your brand's voice.

9. Stay Data-Informed: 

Beyond initial analytics, keep revisiting data. Share your insights internally, ensuring that the whole team is aligned with your goals and growth trajectory.

Read Article - Strategies for B2B Lead Generation on LinkedIn

10. Never Stop Learning: 

The digital realm is ever-evolving. Keep updating your skills, attend webinars, and be an active participant in online communities. Staying updated is not just an advantage – it's a necessity.

As a social media marketer, your role is multifaceted. Embrace this dynamism, and always be ready to adapt. With these skills in your arsenal, you'll not just keep up with the industry, but set benchmarks for others to follow. Best of luck in your journey to outshine and outperform!
