The Gap in LinkedIn Lead Tracking Inside HubSpot and How MarketBeam Bridges It

The Problem: Gaps in Tracking LinkedIn Engagements in HubSpot

LinkedIn has rapidly emerged as a dominant force in B2B marketing. From CEOs sharing insights to sales reps networking with potential leads, LinkedIn plays a pivotal role in many business's marketing strategies. However, despite its significance, many companies encounter a glaring gap when it comes to HubSpot CRM: the inability to adequately track LinkedIn lead engagements and incorporate them into the holistic customer journey.

  1. Missed Engagement Signals: 

When a lead comments on, likes, or shares your brand's LinkedIn content, HubSpot doesn’t inherently capture this engagement. This means you’re potentially missing out on warm leads or crucial information about a lead's interests and interaction with your brand on LinkedIn.

  1. Delayed Response: 

Without real-time tracking, sales representatives might miss the golden window of opportunity to engage a warm lead, leading to lost conversion opportunities.

  1. Fragmented Buyer's Journey: 

Without LinkedIn engagement data, the buyer's journey in HubSpot remains incomplete. You lose out on insights regarding which LinkedIn posts or discussions influenced your lead, hindering a tailored approach in future engagements.

The Solution: MarketBeam’s Integration with HubSpot

Understanding this gap, MarketBeam introduces a cutting-edge solution that seamlessly integrates LinkedIn engagements into HubSpot CRM, ensuring a comprehensive view of your leads' digital footprint.

  1. Real-time Data Sync: 

MarketBeam’s integration ensures that any engagement on LinkedIn - be it a like, comment, share, or any other reaction - is instantly reflected in HubSpot. This real-time sync ensures sales reps are always armed with the latest engagement data.

  1. Personalized Engagement: 

When John Smith likes a post on your brand’s LinkedIn page, not only is this captured, but MarketBeam also identifies John Smith within HubSpot and updates his activity timeline. This allows for highly personalized follow-ups, acknowledging specific content the lead has shown interest in.

  1. Automated LinkedIn Marketing Insights: 

Beyond mere engagement tracking, MarketBeam provides insights into which LinkedIn content is driving the most engagement. This aids in refining and optimizing LinkedIn marketing strategies.

  1. Enhanced Buyer’s Journey: 

With LinkedIn interactions now a part of HubSpot's CRM, businesses get a 360-degree view of the buyer's journey. This aids in crafting more precise sales strategies, understanding which content resonates with leads, and tailoring marketing efforts for maximum impact.

The modern B2B buyer’s journey is multifaceted and occurs across various platforms. LinkedIn, being a central platform for B2B interactions, cannot be left in the shadows when it comes to CRM tracking. MarketBeam’s integration with HubSpot ensures that LinkedIn isn't just another platform for engagement but a fully integrated tool in understanding, tracking, and converting leads. With this integration, businesses can ensure they're not just seeing a part of the story but the complete picture of their lead's journey.
