How Employee Advocacy is Changing the Marketing Game

Marketing across all digital platforms has never before been of more importance than it is today. The avenues for marketing are almost as endless as the internet itself, given all the social media platforms, online news outlets, brand websites, etc. But due to this vast array of choices that companies are presented with, standing out and making sure that their voice is heard is where the challenge comes in.

But what if there existed a platform that allowed companies and brands to use their own workforce as a means of furthering their reach among potential clients? There is no better tool for marketing than word-of-mouth. When people see someone’s passion for a particular product or service, they are bound to try it out for themselves.

MarketBeam is a tech-Saas company that has created an employee advocacy platform that makes optimum use of the networks that each employee creates for themselves over their careers. This platform essentially makes all of their employees into their social advocates and uses each of their diverse following to spread the word about their brand, product, or service. This automated service performs all the data analytics for the company and optimizes its marketing to a whole new level.

In addition, their employee advocacy software works in a way that matches each employee with content that is relevant to them so that their network recognizes where it is coming from. The software can be used to measure and track the performance of all social media campaigns and even give you detailed summaries about engagement with your content.

This employee advocacy platform also enables employees to up their own social media brand building and following. They can develop a more professional reputation for themselves by posting professionally curated content that can increase their follower count and further the reach of the company they work at, at the same time.

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